Picture of Erik Van Alstine

Erik Van Alstine

Author. Leadership strategist. Expert in Perceptual IntelligenceTM.

Are You a Raving Fan? Rave for This to Change Your Life.

In my upcoming book, Automatic Influence: New Power for Leading Change, I talk about my passion for wisdom:

If wisdom were a football team, I’d be the shirtless guy in body paint.

I’m a Seattle-native and a Seahawks fan. As everyone knows, Seahawks fans are ravers. The 12th Man has a national reputation. I’m thinking of the time fans made so much ruckus in the stadium it triggered earthquake sensors at a local lab. I’m thinking of Lorin “Big Lo” Sandretzky, the most iconic Seahawks fan (pictured up top), shaking a picket fence at the end zone. I’m thinking of decibel gauges going off the charts as Man-noise triggers false start after false start for opposing teams.

Then I’m thinking how awesome it would be if we all would brought this same enthusiasm to the great game of life: if we all became raving fans of wisdom.

Why? Because life is a chess game and most people bring a checkers mindset to it. So they lose. They miss out on the best things of life.

Want to change your life? Help your family? Make a difference? Learn the chess game. Become a wisdom fanatic. One way to start right now is to read the first chapter of my book.


Since we’re talking football, here’s a list of NFL’s most loyal fans. Guess who is number one?


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