Picture of Erik Van Alstine

Erik Van Alstine

Author. Leadership strategist. Expert in Perceptual IntelligenceTM.

Idiotic Integrity

People often think of integrity in a good way. If someone has integrity, they’re a good person.

I agree. But I also see a lot of what I call idiotic integrity out there in the world as well. In myself too.

What do I mean by idiotic integrity?

First, let’s remember what integrity actually is. Integrity is consistency in actions and values. Soundness. It comes from the word integer, which means, “entire, whole.” It is alignment, consistency, wholeness between what we see, think, say, and do. Integrity is being true to ourselves and calling it the way we see it.


Now here’s where the idiotic part comes in. What if our way of seeing ourselves, others, or the situation is wrong? As we’ve seen in the see-feel-act pattern, when we see a certain way, we naturally feel and act a certain way. There’s an alignment between see, feel, and act. And integrity is that natural alignment. This means if we see a situation or a person or ourselves in the wrong way, this law of integrity, this sense of alignment, creates the wrong feelings and actions.

When we see wrong, we feel wrong and act wrong. All out of our sense of integrity.

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